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Download and configure the merchant certificate

When APIs for fund rollback or sensitive operations (including refund, revocation, registration of sub-merchants, etc.) are called, the merchant certificate is needed to verify the institution's identity.

Log in to the WeChat Pay Merchants Platform, select "Account Settings" > "API Security" > "API Certificate", and download the certificate.

Here are the detailed steps

  • 1The appearance of the following page indicates that your CA certificate is "CA issued". Click "Apply" to apply for a certificate

  • 2In the pop up window, click "Download" to get the certificate tool.

  • 3Install and open the certificate tool. Select the path you want to store the certificates and click "Request Certificate".

  • 4In "Apply API Certificate" > "Obtian Certificate Signing Request", click the "Click here" button to copy the merchant information.

  • 5Paste the merchant information in the certificate tool and click "Next".

  • 6Get Request String

    Step 1 In "Certificate Tool" > "Copy request string", click "Copy".

    Step 2 In "Apply API Certificate" > "Obtian Certificate Signing Request", paste the request string you copied into the input box.

    Step 3 In "Apply API Certificate" > "Obtian Certificate Signing Request", enter the "SMS Code" and "Login password".

    Step 4 In "Apply API Certificate" > "Obtian Certificate Signing Request", click "Next" to go to "Get Certificate".

  • 7Get Certificate String

    Step 1 In "Apply API Certificate" > "Get Certificate", click "Copy" to get the certificate string.

    Step 2 In "Certificate Tool" > "Copy request string", click "Next" to go to the "Paste certificate string".

    Step 3 In "Certificate Tool" > "Paste certificate string", click "Paste" to paste the copied string.

    Step 4 In "Certificate Tool" > "Paste certificate string", click "Next" to generate the certificate.

  • 8In "Certificate Tool" > "Generate certificate", the certificate request is successful. Click "View folder" to check the generated certificate file.

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