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Report Speed Testing API

Latest update time:2019.11.20 Release notes

This API is used to assist the Merchants in improving overall service quality when they call the WeChat payment APIs. With this API, merchants obtain relevant returned data and response duration. Based on the Merchant's uplink network speed, the WeChat payment system optimizes its networking deployment, so as to continuously improve service reliability and speed.

API intro

Request Url: https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/payitil/report

Request Method: POST

Certificate Requirements: No certificate is required.

Applicable Object: Common modeInstitutional mode

Request Parameters

Name ID Type Required Description
Official Account ID appid String(32) No Specifies Official Account ID assigned by WeChat
Merchant ID mch_id String(32) Yes Specifies merchant ID assigned by WeChat Payment
Sub Official Account ID sub_appid String(32) No Specifies an Sub Official Account ID assigned by WeChat
Specifies Sub merchant ID of institution's sub-merchant assigned by WeChat Pay
Note: Only for Institutional mode
Sub ?Merchant ID sub_mch_id String(32) Yes Specifies Sub Merchant ID assigned by WeChat Payment
Specifies Sub merchant ID of institution's sub-merchant assigned by WeChat Pay
Note: Only for Institutional mode
Device ID device_info String(32) No Specifies the terminal device ID assigned by WeChat Payment. This field is defined by merchants.
Random String nonce_str String(32) Yes 32 characters or fewer. For more information, see Random String Algorithm.
Signature sign String(64) Yes Specifies a signature. For more information, see Signature Algorithm.
Sign Tyep Sign_type String(32) No Currently HMAC-SHA256?and MD5 are supported, default is MD5. This field is only required when sign_type is?HMAC-SHA256.
interface URL interface_url String(128) Yes Complete interface URL to be reported is similar to the following:
When Quick Pay is used, in order to analyze the overall duration of a single service with merchants, WeChat requires a report for each Quick Pay service call made in either mode 1 or mode 2. The report URL is as below:
For more information about mode 2, see Process for merchants.
For other payment methods, calling and reporting is only required once.
API Execute Duration execute_time_ int Yes Specifies the duration for calling the API. The units are expressed in milliseconds.
Return Status Code return_code String(16) Yes SUCCESS or FAIL
Specifies communicating label instead of transaction label. The status of a transaction is determined by the value oftrade_state.
Return Data return_msg String(128) No If not empty, this is the error description
Signature failure
Parameter format checking error
Example:?Signature failure
Service Result result_code String(16) Yes SUCCESS or FAIL
Error Code err_code String(32) No ORDERNOTEXIST: Order does not exist
SYSTEMERROR: System error
Error Code Description err_code_des String(128) No Describes result data
Example:?System error
Merchant Order Number out_trade_no String(32) No Specifies an order number created by the Merchant’s system. The Merchant can report this order number to WeChat payment system in order to help improve payment services.
Access interface IP user_ip String(16) Yes Specifies the machine IP used when calling this interface
Merchant Report Time time String(14) No Specifies system time in the format of yyyyMMddHHmmss, such as 20091227091010 for Dec 27, 2009 09:10:10. For more information, see Time Protocol.

Return Data

If the request has failed, the following fields will be returned.

Name ID Type Required Description
Return Status Code return_code String(16) Yes SUCCESS or FAIL
Specifies communicating label instead of transaction label. The status of a transaction is determined by the value of result_code.
Return Data return_msg String(128) No If not empty, this is the error description
Signature failure
Parameter format checking error
Example:?Signature failure

If return_code is SUCCESS, return data will also include the following fields:

Name ID Type Required Description
Service Result result_code String(16) Yes SUCCESS or FAIL

Release notes

1. Report Speed Testing released online

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