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Development Guide

Service process

This payment method is explained below. The Unified Order API, Query Order API, and accepting order notifications require signatures, which are created on the Merchant's service backend, as shown in Figure 9.6.

Figure 9.6 In-app payment sequence chart

Below shows how the merchant's backend interacts with the WeChat payment system:

Step 1:Payer selects products within the Merchant's app, submits the order, and chooses WeChat payment.

Step 2:The Merchant receives payer's payment transaction and calls the Unified Order API. For more information, see 【Unified Order】.

Step 3:he Unified Order API returns a normal prepay_id, and creates a signature based on the signature rules. The relevant data is transferred to the Merchant's app. Fields contained in the signature include cappId, partnerId, prepayId, nonceStr, timeStamp, and package.

Note:the value format of package is Sign=WXPay

Step 4:The Merchant's app uses the SDK to open WeChat payment within WeChat. For more information, see 【App-based Development Guide

Step 5:The Merchant's backend receives payment notifications. For more information, see 【Payment Result Notification

Step 6:The Merchant's backend queries the payment result. For more information, see 【Query Order】.

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