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API list


? Due to product iteration, the H5 payment authorization can be applied for using the Merchant Onboarding interface.

? For more information, please refer to:
Merchant Onboarding(Introduction)
Merchant Onboarding(Preparation)
Merchant Onboarding(Development Guidelines)
Merchant Onboarding(APIs)

Feature List Description
Create Authorization Application This API is used to initiate a web payment authorization request for a sub-merchant, who will be authorized to use web payment with a limit after the request is approved.
Query Authorization Application This API is used to query a created web payment authorization request.
Modify Authorization Application This API is used to modify a rejected web payment authorization request.
Create Domain Modification Application This API is used to initiate a web payment domain modification request for the institution/service provider and sub-merchants.
Query Domain Modification Application This API is used to Query Domain Modification Application.
Modify Domain Modification Application This API is used to modify a rejected web payment domain modification request.
Query Authorization Status This API is used to query the web payment authorization status of a sub-merchant.
Authorization Result Notification The same notification may be sent to the merchant system multiple times.
Domian Modification Result Notification The same notification may be sent to the merchant system multiple times.

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